Mathematical Models of EnvironmentalEngineering and Case Studies

  • Published: 2015-11-06
  • 1542
Name:Mathematical Models of EnvironmentalEngineering and Case Studies
Instructor:QIAN Zhi
Course Description:
This course is the basic specialized course for postgraduate majored in environmental engineering. It systematically introduces to the postgraduate basic mathematic methods and model development principles for solving environmental engineering problems. And this course shows the students the practical application of mathematic models by analyzing actual project cases.
This course mainly contains the development and category of environmental mathematic model, main mathematic disciplines of environmental research, overall and differential balance equations, basic methods in solving differential equations and corresponding math software, integrated application of mathematic models with the major environmental problems concerned. By studying, this course is intended to improve the students' ability in mathematical methods applying, mathematical modeling and environmental engineering problems solving with mathematical model.
