Advanced GIS Algorithms

  • Published: 2015-11-06
  • 1739
Name:Advanced GIS Algorithms
Instructor:SONG Xianfeng
Course Description:
This 20 hour course aims to improve the knowledge and ability of students majoring in GIS and related disciplines. Students can deeply understand and master the base-algorithm implementation of GIS by discussing the various core algorithms after holding the basic principles of GIS. The course prerequisites include course work in GIS and skill of using a programming language. Students will be assessed by attendance, presentation and final report.
Cedric du Mouza, Large-scale indexing of spatial data in distributed repositories: the SD-Rtree, The VLDB Journal, 2009, 18:933-958.
Antomn Guttman, R-Trees: a dynamic index structure for spatial searching, Proceedings of the 1984 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data. 1984, 14(2):47-57
