Industrial Development and Spatial Organization

  • Published: 2015-11-06
  • 1790
Name:Industrial Development and Spatial Organization
Instructor:ZHANG Xiaoping
Course Description:
Based on theories of economic geography, regional economics, industrial economics and related disciplines, this course focuses on illustrating industrial organization, industrial structure, industrial geography, and industrial policy from the theoretical and practical perspectives. By combining with the practice of industrial development in China and abroad, the relevant theories will be explained and discussed. The course aims to help students understand the theories of industrial development and its layout, and enhance students' ability to analysis and solve practical problems. After the 40 hours’ training in this course, students’ capability to analyze practical problems will be improved, and this will lay the foundation for their further researches in related fields.

Wei Houkai. Modern Regional Economics. Beijing: Economic Management Publishing House, 2006.

Li Xiaojian. Economic Geography. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2006.

Gan Chunhui. Industrial Economics. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2006.

Lu Dadao. Theory and Practice of China's Regional Development. Beijing: Science Press, 2003.

Peter Dicken. Global Shift: Reshaping the Global Economic Map in the 21st Century, London : Paul Chapman Publishing, 2003.
