Ocean Remote Sensing

  • Published: 2015-11-06
  • 1775
Name:Ocean Remote Sensing
Instructor:TANG Jiakui
Course Description:
The basic theories and methods of ocean remote sensing will be introduced, which includes the scattering characteristics, radiation characteristics and ocean dynamics. The marine dedicated instruments such as color scanner, CCD imagers, microwave scatterometer, altimeter, radiometer and synthetic aperture radar and their applications to marine elements remote sensing such as ocean color, sediment, water temperature, coastal vegetation, surface wind field, wave fields, sea surface height, gravitational field, and undersea topography. From which students will master ocean remote sensing information extraction technology and application methods, and learn the latest developments of ocean remote sensing.

Martin S., 2008, Ocean Remote Sensing Introduction (Translated by Jiang Xingwei et.al.,), Ocean Press.
