Welcome from Dean

  • Published: 2014-09-15
  • 13750
        Dr. JIANG Giubin, Professor, Member of CAS, Dean of CRE

        Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Developing Countries, analytical chemistry, environmental chemist.

  Current Dean of the School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Chairman of the Chinese Association for Analytical Testing, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Chemical Society, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Toxicology, Vice Chairman of ES&T Journal of the American Chemical Society Editor in chief. Current or former member of the National 973 Advisory Group, member of the National Nano Major Research Program Expert Group, member of the National Environmental Advisory Committee, member of the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Expert Committee, and member of the State Council Food Safety Expert Committee.

  The research fields involve chemical forms and environmental toxicology and health. Participated in my country's Antarctic and Arctic scientific expeditions. Promoted the research of persistent toxic pollutants in my country, and started new academic directions such as the discovery of new environmental pollutants and toxicological research. He was responsible for and completed the first and second phases of the 863 project for screening and control of environmental endocrine disruptors in my country, responsible and completed the two phases of the national POPs 973 project, undertook and completed the first national support project of POPs control technology in my country, and Completed the second phase of the National Foundation of China Innovation Group Project, responsible and completed the National Foundation of China's major fund project "Environmental Process and Toxicological Effects of Typical Persistent Organic Pollutants". He is currently the chief scientist of the "Health Effects of Environmental Pollution" project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Strategic Leading Science and Technology Project (Class B) and the leader of the expert group of the National Foundation of China's major research program "The Toxicology and Health Effects of Atmospheric Fine Particles".

  Published 600 papers in foreign SCI journals, and published 10 Chinese and English monographs. He has been invited to give conference reports or specially invited reports nearly 500 times at important academic conferences and famous universities at home and abroad. He has successively won the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the Young Scientist Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Yangtze River Scholar Achievement Award, the Agilent Thought Leader Award and the Outstanding Achievement Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He won the second prize of National Natural Science twice as the first completion person.
